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Digital Gurkha E-Learning Platform

Digital Gurkha, a leading Nepali digital platform with wide range of online courses

Digital Gurkha is one of the leading digital platforms in Nepal, revolutionizing the education pattern with a wide choice of online courses. The platform...
Sikai Chautari Government of Nepal online classes e-learning portal platform Ministry of Education

Nepal government’s e-learning portal updated with Grade 11 and 12’s resources

Ever since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, our educational system has slowly been adapting to e-learning. To help students with this transition, the...
Best E-Learning Platforms in Nepal Online Study Sites Websites Virtual Remote

These are the best e-learning platforms for students in Nepal

COVID-19 has introduced a whole new practice in education faculty—or rather expanded the practicality of an existing one. We had just recently begun our...