Five must have Nepali Apps For First Time Smartphone Buyers

top nepali apps

The Nepali Apps on the Google Play Store are proliferating in the past couple of years or so. Currently, we can find almost every type of apps from Nepali developers, from a range of calendar apps to cultural Nepali games, the increasing number of app developers have helped us to use our smartphone in a more convenient way. Today, we’ll be sharing the top five must have Nepali apps on your smartphone.

Nepali Patro

Nepali Patro is a utility app that features calendars, latest news, Load shedding schedule, horoscope, online radio and some other useful elements. You can get a detail of the tithi and mithi of a particular day and get to know about any national or international occasion featuring on that particular day. You can get the latest news headlines, so you don’t need to download any other news app. Moreover, this app also comes with a date and currency converter.

Since Nepali Patro provides so many features, one can get rid of storage problem on their smartphone by downloading this app and avoiding a particular news app, any converter app or online radio app.


Hamro Nepali Keyboard

keyboardTired of searching online sites for typing in Nepali? Time to isolate your worries. The Hamro Keyboard app provides a pretty dope feature of typing in Nepali. All you have to do is type in English and hit the space key, and the word changes into the Nepali language. Before using this feature, you must know the structure of Nepali words you want to type. While typing, it also suggests the words with similar structures that you have typed in.

You can also check the structure from the help button placed in the top-right corner if you are having trouble in writing some words.You may also want to check the other Nepali keyboard app called Lipikar keyboard that basically does the same thing.

Loadshedding Plus

Of course, nobody wants a Load shedding app which looks unattractive. Most people prefer a clean and minimal UI in Load shedding apps. This app can be an excellent choice as it’s very light in terms of size and provides useful features. The best thing about this app is, you can disable the annoying ads on the home screen of the app. Apart from Load shedding schedule, it also gives a flashlight utility button, which could be helpful.

I have been using this app for a long time, and it has never disappointed me. The updates are provided as soon as the schedule is changed. Moreover, the easy part is you do not need to go to play store to update the app, to update just pull the panel from the right-hand side and press the update button. Like other varieties of Load shedding apps, the notification can be enabled, and the language can be toggled between English and Nepali. You can also search your living area if you are not sure which group are you from. Moreover, you can also add a widget on the home screen if you do not want to open the app every time you want to check the schedule. You may also like the similar app Nepal Load shedding Schedule.

Call break

Call break is a popular Nepali card game which you can now have on your phone itself. Once you get into the game, you won’t notice how fast the time passes. It can be a good app for passing the time with entertainment.



nlocateenLocate helps you LOCATE things nearby. You can locate essential services like hospitals,ATMs, banks, petrol pumps and much more near you. You can also find details about health services, see which Doctors are available at what hospitals. With the help of this app, you can quickly check the showtimes of different Movies and dramas and the location of the places of the shows.

So, these are our top five must have Nepali apps you should have on your smartphone. Did we miss out on any particular app? If so, let us know in the comments below and we will try to cover about that in our next article.