Changing your cloth will be one click away with this Adobe tech!!

Project Primrose

Not only did Adobe improvise upon its AI image models, but they also showed us what is expected to be the future of clothing as a form of Project Primrose at the Adobe MAX conference 2023. The thing started when the camera shifted to one of the research scientists, Dr. Christine Dierk, wearing a silver-shiny dress. Here’s what happened!

Project Primrose Overview:

What is Project Primrose?

As Dierk broke down the points, Project Primrose amazed the crowd. This technology promises loose, low-energy, non-emissive fragments of the display, allowing you to visualize any static or dynamic patterns replacing clothing. Rumors suggest that Adobe has already tried this type of display on handbags and will be implementing it in furniture, and who knows what!

Project Primrose Handbag


So, what designs are allowed?

This Adobe Project Primrose will allow any digital content created with Adobe Stock, After Effects, Firefly, and Illustrator. Not only images, but users can also use visual patterns that react according to movement and also have the option to play animations repeating indefinitely.

At the conference, Dr. Dierk presented an animation that reacted like water when she moved a bit. People were cheering and shouting as the animation played.

Project Primrose Animated Dress

What will this bring, though?

As I said, these will bring a new layer to designs, a new way of fashion in the form of animated patterns. Instead of buying a dress every time, you can install the required designs and change it with a click or a motion.

Furthermore, Project Primrose claims to be non-emissive and, hence, eco-friendly. Also, instead of having a bulk of cloth, one piece of tech serves with every design you want, which will obviously reduce the use of fabrics and such.

Project Primrose: Future

Will this project have any future, though? At the end of the day, Project Primrose is only a proof of concept. It has to go a long way in development before its successful launch. However, the prototype seems quite impressive, and they would be working further on this project.