Researchers from China and US claim to develop a new semiconductor from graphene

Semiconductor from graphene
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Researchers at Tianjin University and the Georgia Institute of Technology have achieved a groundbreaking breakthrough in the world of electronics with the development of a new semiconductor made from graphene. Graphene, a carbon atom sheet, has emerged as a potential savior in the realm of electronic devices, offering unparalleled strength, flexibility, and efficiency compared to traditional silicon. In this article let’s dive into discussing more about the Semiconductor from Graphene in more detail. 

Semiconductor From Graphene Overview

Graphene vs. Silicon:

Graphene’s superior properties make it a game-changer in electronic device manufacturing. Unlike silicon, which is currently the standard semiconductor material, graphene boasts greater strength, flexibility, and efficiency. Research published in the journal Nature demonstrates that graphene outperforms silicon by tenfold in terms of performance, signaling a significant advancement in semiconductor technology.


Overcoming Challenges:

The breakthrough comes after eight years of dedicated research by a team led by Ma Lei at Tianjin University, in collaboration with Walter de Heer at the Georgia Institute of Technology. One of the major challenges faced by the researchers was overcoming the “band gap” in graphene, a crucial aspect of semiconductor functionality. By addressing this hurdle, the team has paved the way for graphene to be utilized effectively in electronic devices.

Implications for Electronics:

The development of graphene semiconductors holds immense promise for revolutionizing electronic devices. With the potential to enhance energy efficiency and performance, graphene could extend the battery life of smartphones, increase the speed of computers, and reduce overall energy consumption. However, the widespread adoption of graphene semiconductors in commercial devices is projected to take approximately 10 to 15 years, according to Ma Lei.

Conclusion: Semiconductor from Graphene

While significant challenges lie ahead, particularly in persuading the industry to adopt this new technology, the excitement surrounding graphene’s potential is palpable. This breakthrough represents not only a scientific milestone but also offers a glimpse into the future of electronics.

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